Bird photography is a challenge

If you live in Calgary, the word Chinook clouds would bring a warm happy feeling. Some people associate it with migraines and headaches too, but mostly it is a relief from the freezing arctic chills. The temperatures fell to the 0s and +5s in the last week and all the hibernating (hiding) humans got to hang outside.


This was exciting as I got my Canon T5 Rebel and the new 75-300mm lens to photograph some action. I noticed lots of birds out and about just like us, enjoying the sunshine. So I decided to take pictures of the birds in the city. The Pigeons are always easy to spot along the river.

The Mallard Ducks


It was quite the challenge to zoom-in the huge lens, especially when birds are flying. It is very heavy to handle for a newbie like me. But I enjoyed the process nonetheless. We spent about 2 hours walking around the Bow river near Kensington and saw few happy chirpers.

House sparrow

Finally, we also managed to spot the Hairy Woodpecker. It is very swift in its movement, but the bright day helped to spot the red feathers on its hood.

Flicker is a kind of woodpecker.


I am glad to have wandered around the river side to see and enjoy the beauty of nature.

I hope to indulge in more bird watching and walking around town for photography and share some more of the pictures in the future. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Feel free to comment and offer your feedback so that I can improve.